About Me · COVID-19

Boring Updates and Much Ado about Nothing

When COVID-19 first began impacting my world, my screen time went up by hours. It wasn’t that I was immediately self-isolating and needed the connection. In fact, at first I was so shocked that I was definitely NOT social distancing. It was simply because I needed to know what was happening.

What was happening?!? I still don’t think I really know.

On March 12, my life was pretty normal. I went out for a rare evening coffee with a friend. I decided to pick up a few groceries as well, just because I had started to hear stories of things getting crazy around the world.

Imagine my surprise when the pasta aisle was empty, as was the toilet paper aisle and flour, sugar, etc. Shaking my head at “those crazies” I grabbed enough for my week and went home.

The next day, on March 13, our school division announced that schools would be closed the following three weeks.

I was completely shocked. I felt many things that day. Distrust in my governments “overreaction”. Confusion, as I’m not on most social media and I don’t watch the news. Mostly, I felt numb and indifferent. Numb, because the ramifications of what the shut down of civilization would mean hadn’t fully hit me yet. Indifferent, because I am a mother. A stay at home mother. Social distancing has been my life for the past decade.

Yet, sometime in the following weeks as more places closed, as lockdowns grew tighter, as people started loosing their jobs, the tears came. They fell and they fell.

And now they are no more.

I haven’t cried for a week. Mostly, I have been angry. A deep, unsettling anger, at no one and nothing in particular. Just angry at being stuck. I’m a “do-er”. Now I’m encouraged to not go and do, but to stay put. It sucks me dry.

But enough about feelings, I am writing today to share that my life right now is about as interesting as watching seeds grow, which is precisely what I’m doing these days.

I planted seeds and they are taking longer than usual to grow, but every day or so, another one pops up reminding me that life can’t be rushed. And patience produces fruit. Or in this case, vegetables.

I also bake daily. Yesterday it was banana bread and an Easter dessert. The banana bread actually was a part of a funnier story. Want to hear it?

Well sure! I’ll tell you, since it’s the most interesting thing that’s happened to me all month.

I ordered groceries online and was given FOUR CONTAINERS OF SOURCREAM.

Large containers.

What I had really ordered was yogurt. To eat with granola. For breakfast. And obviously this was the best replacement?!? LOL!! Anyway, there was no way I was going to wait in line just to complain but goodness did I have a laugh. And then promptly changed my entire weeks meal plan to revolve around sour cream.

When life gives you sour cream… Make Nachos and banana bread!

Really people, those are the most exciting moments of my life this past month.

Like everyone else, I am on screens far too much, homeschooling, staying home, shopping only when absolutely necessary, surviving boredom and stir-crazy kids, who fight and bicker, and then whine and complain. In cycles.

I make meals from scratch and then clean them up.

I read lots, but I’m not really in the mood for writing these days. Life isn’t inspiring enough to write fiction. Once the world stops being fiction, I’ll write again.

Me and the kids finished four 500 piece puzzles, all of which were missing a single piece.

One. Single. Piece. (I may have found the reason for my anger!)

I also run, though the weather is cold again, and who really wants to run on a treadmill indoors after getting a taste of the fresh outdoor air these past weeks?

So as you sit around doing nothing on this fine Easter Day, take comfort, we are all doing nothing. And I’ll read about your nothing while you read about mine. Together we’ll get through this.

One sour cream container at a time.

9 thoughts on “Boring Updates and Much Ado about Nothing

  1. Oh my that is a lot of sour cream! My husband would be thrilled! I hate ordering groceries online and won’t do it until I’m forced to.

    This line: “Indifferent, because I am a mother. A stay at home mother. Social distancing has been my life for the past decade.” YES!!

    As an addendum, my two favorite things to bake with sour cream: sour cream cookies, and coffee cake. You could make enough to last a decade, though! 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I used to love ordering groceries online! They rarely missed any items or had to substitute my order. Now it’s a lot harder… This last time I had to order two weeks in advance and I couldn’t even edit my order. Then so many of the things I usually pick were either limited to 2 items (like milk) or totally out of stock.
      But I will say that I felt like royalty, sitting in my van having my groceries loaded for me as I watched all the people on the LONG line up wait outside 😂 sooo, pros and cons I guess!

      Oooo I’ve never made coffee cake but that sounds like a delicious option to make! I’m taking all the hints I can get these days.😜

      Liked by 1 person

      1. True, true, I’m not a fan of the lineups. The last time I went the checkout lineup went all the way back to the dairy section…😬

        Coffee cake is so fast and easy to make! 😁

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Cute. I like your sour cream container story. It’s I don’t use the online shopping option. It just irks me too much when they substitute weird items or pick grapes that aren’t firm, etc.

    What a weird world we’re living in at the moment; but this, too, will pass.

    My brother called today to wish me a HAPPY EASTER and to say, “Life isn’t over, Sara. We’re not being bombed in a war. We have food to eat. And we have our families.” (sigh) He’s right.

    That being said, I try not to fight my emotions. They range from depressed to joyful to angry to sad to optimistic, etc. Each phase of my emotions is important. As are yours.

    Wishing you a lovely week ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I hear what your saying, it’s nice to pick your own food. I ended up with some pretty nasty lettuce too 😂, but I still think online beats some of the line ups!

      And yes this is what I keep telling myself: we’re not being persecuted, there’s no one bombing us and unlike some other countries right now, we still have the freedom to go and actually get food and medical help. I think that’s so wise of you to let yourself feel it all. Denying emotions really just makes them all worse because they never go away. All the best to you as well!

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